Community Midwives

The midwives at the surgery are based at the Clarendon Wing of the Leeds General Infirmary.  Routine appointments can be made with the midwives via the surgery. To speak to the midwife about your pregnancy, the Community Midwifery Office number is 0113 392 6735.  The office is open from 09:00 - 16:30 Monday-Friday, and 09:00- 12:30 at weekends.

Community Nurses

District nurses are available to visit patients who are housebound and require nursing care in their own homes.

Health Visitors

We have health visitors and nursery nurses attached to the practice. The health visiting service aims to promote the health of the whole community. Every family with a child under 5 years old has a named health visitor who can advise on matters such as feeding, sleeping, teething, talking, toilet training and immunisations.  They also manage Well Baby Clinics; Meet a Mum groups, Baby Massage and Baby Yoga classes. 

You will meet your health visitor shortly after the birth of your baby.  During the next few years, the team will offer regular contact to give advice and support for you and your family.  The health visitors and nursery nurses are based at Gildersome Health Centre and can be contacted on 2954030/2954034.

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